Sistem Absensi Dan Laporan Penggajian

Cara Penggunaan Special Reserved Words of the CRT Unit: ClrScr(), GotoXy() pada Pemograman Pascal


Penggunaan Reserved Words
IF Statement dan For Loop, saya ingin memberikan gambaran tentang beberapa fungsi pascal yang cukup berguna. Hal ini akan membutuhkan program Anda untuk memasukkan perpustakaan 'crt.tpu'. kita harus menggunakan kata 'uses', karena digunakan untuk memanggil perpustakaan fungsi dan prosedur. Berikut adalah contoh program nya :

Program lesson3_Program1;
Uses Crt; {We will make use of the crt library}
Var PD, Dname, Cmodel : String;
    CostPD, TCostPD, Distance : Real;
    {real is a decimal (described later)}
 textbackground(brown); {background colour}
 ClrScr; {Clear screen with a brown colour.
             Try run the program without this!!!}
 TextColor(lightgreen); {text colour}
 TCostPD := 0;
 Writeln('This program prompts you to '+
        +'input the cost per litre of');
 Writeln('the petrol/diesel you spend in and '+
          +'the average distance you travel');
 Writeln('with your car every week. Then, '+
          +'the computer calculates the total cost');
 Writeln('you spend in fuel every week.');
 Readkey; {program move on as soon as a key is pressed}
 ClrScr;{short for clear screen}
 {^move to a position on the screen:
   x (horizontal), y (vertical)}
 Write('Diesel or Petrol? Type p or d: ');
 PD := Readkey;
 {^as soon as a key is pressed,
  it is stored in the variable 'PD'}
 Write('Name Of Driver: ');
 Write('Car Model: ');
 Write('Cost of Diesel/Petrol: (£) ');
 Writeln('Average distance you travel with '+
          +'your car every week: (kilometres) ');
 Writeln('Name of Driver:',Dname);
 GotoXy(31,4); Delay(500);
 Writeln('Car Model:',Cmodel);
 GotoXy(32,5); Delay(500);
 GotoXy(8,6); Delay(500);
 Writeln('Average distance covered '+
        +'every week: ',Distance:1:2,'Km');
 GotoXy(25,7); Delay(500);
 Writeln('Cost of ',PD,' per litre: £',CostPD:1:2,'/litre');
 Writeln; Delay(500);
 TCostPD := Distance * CostPD;
 Writeln('Total cost of ',PD,' per week:£',TCostPD:1:2);
 TCostPD := 0;
 Writeln('Total cost of ',PD,' per week:'+
        +'£',(Distance * CostPD):1:2);
 Writeln('Total cost of ',PD,' per week:£',Distance * CostPD);

The 'Crt' (singkatan dari cathode-ray tube) perpustakaan memiliki berbagai fungsi dan prosedur yang akan Anda gunakan begitu sering. Beberapa dari mereka yang tercantum dalam tabel di bawah. Ada banyak perpustakaan yang sama, seperti 'String' dan 'Dos'.

Di bawah ini adalah tabel Keterangan Reserved Word:

key  (variable type) :
int - integer (-32768 to 32767), word - 0 to 65535.
Example of each
Clrscr: (clear screen)
writeln('When you press enter, the screen would be cleared!');
Gotoxy(int,int): (Go to position x and y);
Writeln('The position is 10 pixels from the left of the screen, and ten pixels');
Writeln('from the top of the screen.');
Textbackground(word/int): (Background colour);
Textbackground(red); {word - red}
Writeln('Note the difference');
Textbackground(5); {integer - 5}
Writeln('Note the difference'); Readln;
Textcolor(word/int): (Text colour);
Textcolor(red); {word - red}
Writeln('Text colour');
Textcolor(5); {integer - 5}
Writeln('Text colour'); Readln;
Readkey: (Reads a key-press);
Example 1:
Writeln('Press ANY key!!!');
Example 2:
Writeln('Press ANY key');
Keypress := readkey; {keypress is a DECLARED string variable(can be an integer variable)}
Delay(int): (Waits for some time);
Delay(1000);{1000 milliseconds}
Halt(int): (Program terminates with an exit code);
writeln('Press enter and the program terminates!);

Perhatikan bahwa instruksi  'halt' tidak dilaksanakan karena program berakhir saat ‘halt’ ditemui.

Pelajari Juga Tutorial Pemograman Pascal lainnya berikut ini;


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